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» » » » » Evasi0n Jailbreak for iOS7 comes with support for Chinese market
Linux Mint 16 "Petra" Xfce and KDE Released
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Knowing that a jailbreak for iOS 7 was coming eventually, especially after talking to Saurik about it not all that long ago during an interview, sure didn’t make the wait seem any less eternal. While Apple’s latest update to iOS added a lot of things that jailbreakers typically install once they are allowed to, there will likely never be time when it will be totally unnecessary to jailbreak for some people. Fortunately, and seemingly out of nowhere, the evasi0n team came through and delivered an update to their very simple tool for freeing your iDevice.
If you are running any current version of iOS 7, you’ll be able to take advantage of this tool. All you need to do is plug in, to your computer, disable your lock screen, run the program, and when all is said and done you’ll be jailbroken. Unfortunately the evasi0n team didn’t see fit to work with Saurik to include an updated version of Cydia or MobileSubstrate, but a quick glance at his twitter feed shows that the wait won’t be terribly long for those things.
Evasi0n Jailbreak for iOS7

This jailbreak from evasi0n includes something new for Chinese markets. Instead of Cydia, these users will have access to the all Chinese TaiG store. It is designed to offer services and apps that are more relevant in those parts of the world, much in the same way the CyanogenMod team intends to do soon with Tencent in the future. Some early poking around in this new store revealed some pirated apps, but the evasi0n team wrote a separate post explaining to everyone their plans for dealing with those apps moving forward.
If you’re all set to joilbreak, all of the tools are there for you to jump in and enjoy. If you’re more interested in waiting for Cydia to be updated and bugfixed, keep an eye on Saurik’s twitter account for more details.
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Linux Mint 16 "Petra" Xfce and KDE Released
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