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» » » » Android Error : Cases of Failed 4.4.2 Update Rampant, Google Mum on it
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Google began rolling out the latest update for Nexus devices which upgrades the devices’ system to 4.4.2 earlier this week and barely a day later complaints of errors while downloading where an attempt to download the update displays a download progress briefly only to be cut short by an error pop up before the download is complete.
The reason this is a big deal is because Google released Android 4.4 KitKat for Nexus devices with bugs, which it admitted, and users were very hopeful that the next update would fix them.  However, the KitKat 4.4.1 update failed to address all the issues, even causing more bugs, some of which Google admitted.  The biggest problem that has been persistent in Android 4.4 KitKat is an annoying exchange bug that is the cause of Nexus’ common massive battery drain issue.
If you have a Nexus device and cannot download Android 4.4 KitKat, you are not alone.  The Android 4.4.1 update for Nexus devices was aimed at eliminating the bugs in the original release and was rolled out last week.  This is nothing new though as each Nexus OS update seems to plague users into problems with bugs despite them being official Google updates.
Google’s product forums are laden with complaints and cries of help at the moment as users search for answers to the issues the latest update was supposed to fix.  At the moment, there seems to be no definitive solution to this problem but Google should come out and address it soon.
If you have managed to download the update, what other issues does it have?  Any advice to other users on downloading the update?  Let us know in the comments section below.

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