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» » » Pipelight: Use Silverlight In Your Linux Browser To Watch Netflix, Maxdome Videos And More
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Pipelight is project that brings Silverlight to any Linux browser that supports the Netscape Plugin API. Using it, you can use services that require Silverlight, such as Netflix, in native Linux web browsers like Firefox, Chrome or Midori.

Netflix Google Chrome Linux

Pipelight combines the effort by Erich E. Hoover (the Netflix Desktop developer) with a new browser plugin which - unlike Netflix Desktop which requires a Windows version of Firefox to run under Wine -, lets you access services that require Microsoft Silverlight using native Linux web browsers.

This solution isn't Wine-free because the browser plugin continues to use Wine however, this shouldn't have a big impact on performance:

"Pipelight consists out of two parts: A Linux library which is loaded into the browser and a Windows program started in Wine. The Windows program, called pluginloader.exe, simply simulates a browser and loads the Silverlight DLLs. When you open a page with a Silverlight application the library will send all commands from the browser through a pipe to the Windows process and act like a bridge between your browser and Silverlight. The used pipes do not have any big impact on the speed of the rendered video since all the video and audio data is not send through the pipe. Only the initialization parameters and (sometimes) the network traffic is send through them."

According to the Pipelight website, the plugin has been confirmed to work "almost perfectly" using Microsoft Silverlight 5 for the following websites: Maxdome,Netflix and Sumo 2.

I've tested Pipelight with Netflix, under Chrome (Ubuntu 13.10) and I can confirm it works (and the playback was smooth!), as you can see in the screenshots in this article. Update: I've also tested it with Firefox and it works, but sometimes the browser freezes, something which doesn't happen with Chrome so I recommend using Chrome / Chromium with Pipelight.

Install Pipelight in Ubuntu

Microsoft Silverlight Google Chrome Linux

Before proceeding, it's strongly recommended to close your web browser. Without doing this, the plugin may fail to install or crash the browser.

1. Pipelight is available in two PPAs for Ubuntu users: a stable and a daily PPA. Firstly, try the stable PPA and if you encounter issues, also give the daily PPA a try.

To add the Pipelight stable and Compholio PPAs and install Pipelight in Ubuntu, use the following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mqchael/pipelight-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pipelight

Once installed, start your browser and try THIS test Silverlight applet. If it doesn't work, check if Silverlight is available in your browser plugin list (e.g.: you can type "about:plugins" in the address bar).

If you didn't close the browser before proceeding with the installation and Silverlight doesn't work, run the following command:
rm -rf ~/.wine-pipelight/
and then restart the browser.

2. We're not done yet. Silverlight should be working now, but some websites such as Netflix check the browser user agent and won't allow you to play any videos since Linux isn't supported. A work-around for this is to use a browser user agent switcher:

  • Firefox: install UAControl or User Agent Overrider extensions and use one of the following user agents:
    • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120427 Firefox/15.0a1
    • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0
    • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20131011 Firefox/23.0
  • Chrome: install User Agent Switcher  extension and select Windows Firefox 15 from the extension preferences.

That's it! If video playback is slow or laggy, try THIS work-around.

For more information, Arch Linux installation instructions, source files and so on, visit the Pipelight page @

source webupd8

via Daniel Foré @ G+

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