Benchmark optimization has become a fairly regular occurrence, especially in the case of Android smartphones. Just last month, Samsung was accused of artificially juicing the Galaxy Note 3, and despite prompt denials from the smartphone vendor, the evidence is overwhelming that Samsung and its competitors regularly cheat on benchmark tests. Solutions have been proposed and according to Engadget, GameBench believes it has the best method yet.
GameBench, a startup with a focus on the Android gaming market, has developed a test that it claims is “uncheatable.” The GameBench app runs in the background while you are playing a game, measuring the frame rate and the battery drain. GameBench used the Galaxy S4 and the HTC One for a sample reading, and although the S4 suffered from a higher rate of battery drain, its median FPS remained higher in every tested game. Even without rigging the benchmarks, Samsung still wins. The charts from GameBench can be seen below.
Via: Yahoo News
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